Technics wsa1r

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7806806

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Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 0
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 1
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 2
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 3
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 4
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 5
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 6
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 7
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 8
Technics wsa1r - Immagine 9

Descrizione annuncio

Technics sx - WSA1R Physical Modelling Synthesizer Expander rack Vintage

Condizioni di usato, ma perfettamente funzionante.
L'alimentazione originale e' a 110V ma e' compreso un trasformatore da 110V a 230V (vedi foto) e si collega in una normale presa di corrente.

A richiesta posso inviare il Manuale in formato PDF

The SX-WSA1 made use of Acoustic Modeling Synthesis, which was a method to combine PCM waveform drivers with custom digital signal processing modeling resonators. Simply put, it was a way to simulate the sound process of acoustic instruments. It also gave users plenty of flexibility when it came to control as nearly all the modeling parameters is accessible in real-time. The goal was to give players the freedom to fully express themselves with this synth.

Since the SX-WSA1 also gives players full control over the parameters for the driver and resonator, it was a great synth for anyone who wanted to move far beyond the preset sound sets. Unique sound combinations are possible and these can also be crossfaded by key or velocity. For anyone used to synthesizers that were restricted to their presets and ROM samples, this was a revelation. Technics were also able to accomplish 64 notes of polyphony, which they did through the use of modified recordings of acoustic drivers. By including 307 drivers to select from, they were able to ease the burden on the microprocessor and deliver 64 notes of polyphony, which was usable over 32 MIDI channels.

Codice annuncio: #7806806Inserimento: 1 mese fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Lorenzo.C65
marzo 2005
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Venezia

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Benvenuto in Mercatino Musicale

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