Gretsch White Falcon G6136

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Gretsch White Falcon G6136
Gretsch White Falcon G6136
Gretsch White Falcon G6136
Gretsch White Falcon G6136
Gretsch White Falcon G6136
Gretsch White Falcon G6136
Gretsch White Falcon G6136 - Immagine 0
Gretsch White Falcon G6136 - Immagine 1
Gretsch White Falcon G6136 - Immagine 2
Gretsch White Falcon G6136 - Immagine 3
Gretsch White Falcon G6136 - Immagine 4
Gretsch White Falcon G6136 - Immagine 5

Descrizione annuncio

Anno 2003 , perfetta.

Visibile a Prato


Fornita di pick up originali e Seymour Duncan PSYCLONE HOT SET, GOLD

Beefed up output, punchier mids, and fuller lows make the Psyclone Hot pickups a potent upgrade to any Filter’Tron loaded guitar.

Like a classic car, sometimes stock just isn’t good enough.

When you love the classic curves but need more horsepower under the hood, that’s where the Psyclone Hot set comes in.

The Seymour Duncan Psyclone Hot pickups take the distinctive sound of the original Filter’Tron pickups and supercharges it.

Punchy mid-range, tight low-end, and smooth treble combine with the higher output to deliver a pickup perfect for rock, new wave, punk, and psychobilly.

Originally designed in our Custom Shop, we took special care when sourcing materials to ensure the look and fit of the pickups are perfect – whether you’re hot-rodding a vintage guitar or dropping them in a modern classic.

The Psyclone Hot pickups are drop-in replacements for any guitar routed for Filter’Tron style pickups and includes the correct hardware for either direct mount or pickup-ring mounting options.

The neck pickup features a lower output wind that retains clarity and balances the output, while the bridge pickup is hotter and punchier.

Psyclone pickups are hum-cancelling and use single conductor lead wire.

Each Psyclone pickup is handmade in Santa Barbara, CA.

Codice annuncio: #7844553Inserimento: 3 settimane fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Roberto
febbraio 2004
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Prato

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