Seymour Duncan Antq Ii For Telecaster Twang Neck

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Seymour Duncan Antq Ii For Telecaster Twang Neck

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PICKUP PER CHITARRA ELETTRICA 11024-32 These vintage Telecaster pickups are our tribute to the time-honored 1960s classics. The bridge model is bright and twangy with a slight softening of the treble response. Seymour wound the rhythm pickup as the perfect match for the unique picking style and intricate bends he used on his mid-\'60s Tele. The Antiquity II Tele vintage Telecaster bridge pickup is built with specially calibrated, hand-ground Alnico 5 rod magnets, with the period-correct pole stagger. There is plenty of snap and bounce to the low strings, and the high strings give you that classic Tele twang, but with none of the dreaded "ice pick¿ harshness. It\'s obviously great for country, but plenty of rockers rely on this pickup to work their magic. The Antiquity II Tele Rhythm pickup also uses hand-ground Alnico 5 rod magnets, as well as a special coil wind to deliver a clear, bright, and balanced Tele neck tone. There is plenty of warmth as well as crisp detail that makes this a great pickup for players who use a hybrid picking style or do lots of string bending. In fact, Seymour wound the rhythm pickup as the perfect match for the unique picking style and intricate bends he used on his own mid-\'60s maple-neck Tele. With the Antiquity II Tele vintage pickups, you can get the look and sound of the ultimate \'60s Telecaster. We use custom aged, gray bottom flatwork, brass plated steel bottom plate, vintage push-back cloth wire, and each pickup is lacquered and wax potted, just like the originals.

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