Seymour Duncan 8str NazgÛl Brg Amt Soapbar

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Seymour Duncan 8str NazgÛl Brg Amt Soapbar

Descrizione annuncio

PICKUP PER CHITARRA ELETTRICA 11102-96-A-SB-8Str Forged to fathom the deepest of metal tunings, the Active Mount Nazgūl's searing highs, grinding mids and tight bass perfect the modern metal extended range guitar tone. The Nazgūl was originally designed specifically for 7 and 8 string guitars, and combines a large ceramic magnet with custom winding specs. The goal was to deliver the perfect modern metal pickup for low tunings under high gain for extended range instruments. The result is a perfect blend of note articulation, saturation, pick attack, and one of the most brutal chugs you\'ll ever hear from a humbucker. It has incredible harmonic content across all frequency ranges, and an insanely tight bass response. The Nazgūl has a seriously aggressive high gain sound that is lively, yet completely controllable. On clean amp settings, it still knows how to behave and give you those bell-like clean tones. This passive humbucker comes with a black soapbar cover with one row of exposed poles for a modern active look and is a quick retrofit into any 7 or 8-string guitar with an active rout. It is also available with standard open-coils, or with a black metal humbucker cover, both in a classic passive mount to easily fit in any 7 or 8-string guitar with that traditional routing. Pair with the Sentient neck pickup for the ultimate low-tuned metal sound and versatility. Hand built in our Santa Barbara, CA factory, the Nazgūl uses a large ceramic bar magnet, nickel silver bottom plate, 4-conductor lead wire for multiple wiring options, and is vacuum wax potted for squeal-free performance.

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