Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon

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Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 0
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 1
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 2
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 3
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 4
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 5
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 6
Ibanez Sml721 Rose Gold Chameleon - Immagine 7

Descrizione annuncio

EL.GUITAR SML721 The cutting edge of Ibanez design, the S series continues to be a marvel of form and function. Its signature body shape - sculpted, lightweight, and mahogany - is stronger and more musically responsive than guitars weighing twice as much. The S series is still a rock 'n' roll version of a quick, graceful, and potentially lethal weapon. - Axe Design Lab - Ibanez has been creating innovations which do not only fit the unique demands of players from that period, but also eventually turn into industrial standards, such as 7 string, 8 string and Multi scale guitars. All these started from our attitude to be "Innovative, Cutting-Edge and Pioneer". Axe Design Lab is the series fully represents this attitude. ****Product Features**** - Wizard 5pc Maple/Walnut neck Ibanez's thin, flat and fast Wizard neck is strong and sturdy and offers unlimited playability for demanding players. - Rosewood fretboard Rosewood fretboard provides a well-balanced solid tone with a focused mid range. - Jumbo Jescar EVOgold¿ frets Jescar EVOgold¿ frets are known for their bright tone, gorgeous appearance, and excellent features such as long-lasting durability and smooth note bending. - Nyatoh body Nyatoh used as the body wood provides a rich mid-low end. - Q58 H-H pickups Q58 pickups are designed specifically for use in headless guitars. They provide a clearly defined sound, facilitating excellent tonal balance through all frequencies. The lows are powerful without being muddy, and the highs are bright and clear, but never harsh. As a result, every single note within the chord structure is well defined, and clearly audible. These pickups, with their tonal balance, and extremely low noise performance, work extremely well with both digital and analog effects. - Gotoh® MG-T locking machine heads The Gotoh® MG-T locking machine heads achieve incredible tuning stability, cutting down string-changing time. - Mono-rail bridge Designed for both stability and sustain, t

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