Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2

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Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2 - Immagine 0
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2 - Immagine 1
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2 - Immagine 2
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2 - Immagine 3
Fender Joe Strummer Know Your Rights Strap Black/white 2 - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

STRAPS - JOE STRUMMER KNOW YOUR RIGHTS STRAP, BLACK/WHITE, 2" The Legendary Joe Strummer's music helped shape a movement. As a guitarist his rhythm playing was unrelenting and had a raw passion that went into every chord he struck. If he played it, he meant it. Strummer is an icon. A crucial component in establishing punk music as more than just dyed hair and safety pins, Strummer is best known for his work with The Clash, "the only band that matters". Together with his bandmates, Strummer was a major part of creating and redefining punk rock as a timeless genre that has continued to inspire countless other bands to this day. The Know Your Rights polyester strap pays homage to one of Joe's most poignant and powerful lyrics. Mirroring the artwork from his new album ASSEMBLY, this fully adjustable strap features iconic images of the legend himself that will inspire you to pick up your guitar and play! Caratteristiche Colore: Black Nazione di Origine: Canada

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