Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7841820

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Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique - Immagine 0
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique - Immagine 1
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique - Immagine 2
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique - Immagine 3
Burriss Royal Bluesman 18W Testata Boutique - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

Rara testata boutique Burris Royal Bluesman da 18W. L'amplificatore è stato usato pochissimo ed è completamente originale in ogni sua parte nonché perfettamente funzionante. Esternamente lo chassis presenta solo qualche graffio leggero e superficiale visibile soltanto in controluce. Spedizione a carico dell'acquirente disponibile in tutta Italia.

Specifiche tecniche:

18watt Class A
20 x 28,5 x 17,5 cm
6.35 Kg
Tube rectified
Custom chassis
Hand wired
4, 8 and 16 ohm output for speakers
Cathode biased: plug and play power amp
120v and 240v 50/60hz world power
EZ81(x1) Rectifier
EL84 (x2)
12AX7 Mullards (x3)
Handmade in the USA

Quality, Versatility and sweet tones have always been the hallmark of the Burriss Design philosophy and the Royal Bluesman is no exception. Despite it's ultra portable stature the Royal bluesman is really 2 high quality audio devices in one.

It's primary design intention is a warm and expressive tube-type guitar amp with on-board spring reverb and tremolo features unheard of on an amp of this size. By moving the power switch down to the "FX" mode the Royal Bluesman takes on a whole new identity.

In the FX mode the Royal Bluesman can be unloaded from the speaker so that it can be used as a stand-alone reverb tremolo unit into another amp or mixing console. The features dont stop there, also included is a series effects loop complete with send and return level controls which allows the return to be used as a quasi 2nd channel.

Codice annuncio: #7841820Inserimento: 1 mese faUltima modifica: 1 settimana fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Lorenzo Alexiu
Lorenzo AlexiuMonza e della Brianza2Segui
luglio 2019
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Monza e della Brianza

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Benvenuto in Mercatino Musicale

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