Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase

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Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase - Immagine 0
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase - Immagine 1
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase - Immagine 2
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase - Immagine 3
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase - Immagine 4
Jam Pedals Fuzz Phrase - Immagine 5

Descrizione annuncio

Vintage-sounding germanium Fuzz pedal, a legendary sound that helped shape a generation !

There are many variables that determine the quality, sound and “clean-ability” of a Germanium Fuzz pedal. We feel transistor choice is crucial, therefore we tracked down and managed to stock a limited supply of the best – and extremely rare – germanium transistors ever made : the CV7003, military-spec OC44 germanium transistors.
So here’s a DISCLAIMER!: the Fuzz Phrase as is, will be available for as long as our limited CV7003 supply lasts!

The few and far between CV7003, is extremely consistent as well as heat-resistant, much more than the AC128 and NKT275 transistors are, making our Fuzz Phrase stand out from its competition. It’s consistency is also the reason why there is no need for an external bias pot. You are likely never to have to adjust the bias on your pedal !

Each individual transistor is measured for gain and leakage and then hand picked and matched through sound audition.

Along with the use of carbon comp resistors, the result is pure vintage fuzz goodness !

Just mess around with the guitar volume to find the sweet spots, from clean, to rude, to devastating!

Codice annuncio: #8029597Inserimento: 2 settimane fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di NikosGuitar
dicembre 2014
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Roma

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Benvenuto in Mercatino Musicale

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