Sovtek Big muff civil war

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Sovtek Big muff civil war
Sovtek Big muff civil war
Sovtek Big muff civil war
Sovtek Big muff civil war - Immagine 0
Sovtek Big muff civil war - Immagine 1
Sovtek Big muff civil war - Immagine 2

Descrizione annuncio

Numero di serie #210

Da kitrae:

THE SOUND - Identical circuits and sound as the two the Red Army Overdrive editions, just with different graphics and colors. The version with 430pF feedback/filter caps sounds very close to the blue and gray boxed Civil War (version 7A) Big Muffs that would come later, and had almost identical circuit component values. The version with 500pF feedback/filter caps sounds similar to the 2nd and 3rd edition V7C Green Russian Big Muffs. They had a slightly grittier, less smooth tone.

Overall the V7 sound was a mix between the V1 and V3 Muffs, but with a fatter bottom end, brighter and less scooped mids, and less gain. All of the 1990s Sovtek Muffs (Civil Wars, Green Russians, Black Russians) had very similar component values, and had very similar sounds to each other, but the Civil War tone was special. It was very dark and bassy, but with a smooth and clear mid range, and a very musical clarity that stands out in a live band mix slightly better than most USA made Big Muffs. These are a favorite among bass players due to the low gain and huge, bass friendly bottom end they produce. The bass and treble of the tone varies slightly from unit to unit. Listen to Pink Floyd's Pulse live album for some great examples of lead tones using this pedal. The Black Keys and Sonic Youth have other examples of this sound.

In breve… Pulse sound ? È la versione giusta.
Non ha il copri batteria e l’input e output sarebbero da cambiare…
No permute No ribassi.
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Codice annuncio: #7611479Inserimento: oltre 3 mesi faUltima modifica: 2 mesi fa
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Il Mercatino di Synthomatico
febbraio 2015
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