USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7770696

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Keeley COMPRESSOR PLUS - Immagine 0
Keeley COMPRESSOR PLUS - Immagine 1
Keeley COMPRESSOR PLUS - Immagine 2
Keeley COMPRESSOR PLUS - Immagine 3

Descrizione annuncio

Vendo, compreso di scatola e equipaggiato con Dual Lock 3M. Come nuovo, mai uscito di casa.

Consegna a mano su Milano, no spedizioni.

The Keeley Compressor is the most popular boutique compressor in the world. With well over 132,000 compressors built (as of 2/7/2024) in our shop we have an expert understanding of compression, limiting, and sustain. We know what it takes to make an instrument sound like it’s been professionally recorded. We know how to make your guitar jump from the mix. We know how to make it fun and easy to play. Keeley Compression is how. The Keeley Compressor Plus is the first true advancement in our 2 and 4 knob compressor line. The new features are simple and straight forward. Now there is a simple Release Switch that is tuned for single coils or humbuckers. No more wondering if you have the attack or release set right. Your humbuckers will have all the attack and punch that they should. Our team designed a gorgeous sounding Tone Control which emphasizes the most sensitive harmonics that can be lost in compression. The Compressor Plus now sports a Blend Control that retains the peaks in your playing and, more importantly, the proper phasing of your guitar signal. The Keeley Compressor Plus offers the same gorgeous push of frequencies and sweetening of tone that the old comps gave you, now with the flexibility to easily handle any instrument.

Codice annuncio: #7770696Inserimento: 3 mesi faUltima modifica: ieri alle 12:12
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Fede L.E.
marzo 2003
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Milano

La posizione mostrata è approssimativa.

Benvenuto in Mercatino Musicale

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