Ibanez S470 1995 Black - Made in Japan

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7805112

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Ibanez S470 1995 Black - Made in Japan
Ibanez S470 1995 Black - Made in Japan
Ibanez S470 1995 Black - Made in Japan - Immagine 0
Ibanez S470 1995 Black - Made in Japan - Immagine 1

Descrizione annuncio

Ibanez S470 Made in Japan 1995 Black Finish, guitar is in overall condition good, just got some little signs by previous owner but all works good. The guitar has had a great general cleaning and string change by us & works perfectly, ready to use!

All guitars we sell have been checked and adjusted for playability. The pictures in the listings are of the actual item so please have a look for an idea of the cosmetic condition. As they are used instruments they may or may not have some scratches or wear to the finish. Please note: We will not accept returns or refunds in the case of dents, scratches, or cosmetic wear that were orignally detailed either in the pictures or description. Thank you for your understanding.

Condition: Some scratches, dents and marks. If you would like to know more about this specific instrument, or have general questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Codice annuncio: #7805112Inserimento: 2 mesi faUltima modifica: ieri alle 13:14
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