Ibanez Js2gd

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Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 0
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 1
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 2
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 3
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 4
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 5
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 6
Ibanez Js2gd - Immagine 7

Descrizione annuncio

EL.GUITAR W/CASE JS2GD The Ibanez Joe Satriani Signature Electric Guitar is made with typical Ibanez flair and remarkable craftsmanship. It's a fine instrument, designed to satisfy and inspire both the established performer and one waiting in the wings. ****Product Features**** - Maple neck The Maple neck provides stability and bright tonal character. - Rosewood fretboard Rosewood fretboard provides a well-balanced solid tone with a focused mid range. - Medium Jescar EVOgold¿ frets with Prestige fret edge treatment Jescar EVOgold¿ frets are known for their bright tone, gorgeous gold appearance and player-friendly features such as long durability and smooth note bending. The Prestige Fret Edge Treatment guarantees effortlessly fast playing. - Alder body The Alder body delivers a well-balanced bright tone, enriched resonance and sustain. - DiMarzio® Satch Track¿ / FRED® pickups The DiMarzio® Satch Track¿ is Joe's first single-coil size signature pickup. Combined with FRED®, they offer focused sound and great versatility. - Gotoh® machine heads Gotoh® machine heads provide superior precision, a smooth feel, and excellent tuning accuracy. - Edge tremolo The masterpiece Edge bridge offers exceptional tuning stability, precise intonation adjustment, and playing comfort. - High-Pass filter on volume control A high pass filter on the volume pot maintains highs at low volumes. - Coil-tap switch on tone control (push/pull) The push/pull coil tap adds sound and tonal variations for pickups. - Hardshell case included Ibanez Hardshell case gives extreme protection for your beloved instrument. ****Special Features**** - Ultralite Tremolo Arm¿ included The Ultralite Tremolo Arm¿ achieved a significant reduction in weight by utilizing Carbon Graphite for the grip, resulting in less interaction with strings and more sensitive control of the tremolo arm movement. - Gold Finish Caratteristiche Ultralite Tremolo Arm¿ included Gold Finish Gigbag / Case: Ha

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